sábado, 18 de enero de 2020

Future Perfect Continuos

Resultado de imagen para future perfect continuous
Future Perfect Continuous

As the future perfect this is a grammatical structure that sometimes I can find a little bit difficult to find a specific situation in which I can apply it. For intanst I do not practice it currently.

Grammatical Structure 


Subject + will have been + verb + ing
Subject + to be + going to have been + verb + ing


I will have been making a troubleshooting in the computer for 20min by the time the leads ask me to give call back 
I am going to have been making a troubleshooting in computer for 20min by the time the leads ask me to give call back 

Subject + will +not + have been + verb + ing 
Subject + to be + not + going to have been + verb + ing

We will not have been working so hard by the time we leave home. 
We are not going to have been working so hard by the time we leave home.


Will + subject + have been + verb + ing?
To be + subject + going to have been + verb + ing? 


Will you have been working late by the time we are at the party?
Are you going to have been working late by the time we are at the party?

1. Describes actions that will continue up until a point in the future

Resultado de imagen para future perfect continuous

Future Perfect

Resultado de imagen para future perfect tense

Future Perfect 

This is a grammatical structure I have always have troubles with. I can understand the grammatical structures but sometimes it is difficult for me to apply it in context. 

Grammatical Rules 

This is the structure that should be use when talking in future present 


Subject + will have + past participle 
Subject + to be + going to have + past participle 

I will have ended the call by the time I have lunch 
I am going to have eaten fish before I take calls 


Subject + will + not + have + past participle 
Subject + to be + not + going to have + past participle

I will not have ended the call by the time I need to go home 
I am not going to have finished the troubleshooting before the user´s reunion 


Will + Subject + have + past participle? 
To be + Subject + going to have + past participle? 

Will you have ended the call by the time we have lunch? 
Are you going to have finished the office repair before having breakfast?


1. We use the future tense to talk about actions that will be finished before some point in the future 
2. We also use this tense to express situations that will last for an specific priod of time at a dfinite moment in the future 
3. To express certainty that an action was completed 

Resultado de imagen para future perfect tense